Friday, February 21, 2020

#944 GOBOTS – VAMP amd SCORP (MRD-101, MRD-103) (1984)

The Go-Bot line with vehicles, called Machine-Robo, had more than 50 references, including every type of vehicle. This one is the most famous line that everybody remembers, but the Go-Bots also had an alternative line of “monsters”, called Devil Invader Series, that had references with the letters MRD (RMD in Europe), instead of just MR (or RM), I guess, the “D” comes from Devil.

I have just two robots belonging to this series, one Batmobile-alike vehicle that trasnforms into a vampire robot, and a Robot-Scorpion. Both are very cool and imaginative, they do surprise much more than the vehicles line.

All MRD references seem to be evil characters, unlike the MR references, who belong to one of two factions: “Friendly Robots” or “Enemy Robots”, although this was not always like this… at the beginning, there was no reference to the filiation of the robots, if any at all, but in later catalogues, there are some that show the robots in two separate groups. Maybe this was a consequence of the animated series (1984-85) in which there were good a bad go-bots that fought against each other.

I just discovered a great website with all Go-Bot toys and I think it deserves being promoted so it stays the reference site on the Internet about this Popy/Bandai/Tonka toyline. Pelase visit:

It has been a long time since the last entry dedicated to these nice transforming robots, but I guess we won’t have to wait so much for the next one… I have some more robots awaiting in the line to be presented.

  • Name: VAMP amd SCORP (MRD-101, MRD-103)
  • Alternate Names: CASMODON, ZARIOS (Machine Robo names/ Japan)
  • Toy Line: Go-Bots (Series 2)
  • Year: 1984
  • Company: Popy/ Bandai (Japan) / Tonka (U.S.A.)
  • Size of the figures: Around 8 cm


  1. Sin duda, una línea con un gran encanto, calidad y un buen acabado. Yo tengo un blister que encontré hace tiempo en una antigua juguetería de mi ciudad y que me sorprendió verlo allí, ya que pensaba que los Go-Bots de Bandai no se vendieron en España. El caso es que si no todos, algunos sí que llegaron aquí, aunque que creo que los Transformers de Hasbro los eclipsaron. Una pena, porque los Go-Bots eran muy buenos juguetes.

  2. Si, en España fueron super minoritarios, supongo que porque Bandai aún no había despegado del todo. En otros países como Francia (distribuidos por popy) si que alcanzaron mejores ventas. Los míos los he conseguido todos en Austria, excepto algunos que se los cambié a un coleccionista y bloguero francés. ¡Gracias por el comentario!
