- Year: 1992
- Company: Lucky Bell (Hong Kong)
- Size of the figures: 5½’’ or 12 cm
In 1964, the third James Bond’s movie comes to the movie theatres in Great Britain and many other countries. It was expected to be the great success that it was, and the toy companies, again, tried to exploit the fame of movies and movie stars by selling toys for enthusiastic children who had already seen Goldfinger. This merchandising phenomenon is older than we think: it didn’t start with George Lucas and Star Wars, although he was the one who made it perfect, and became the reference to every other toy line, ever. Corgi has released through the years many different cars and vehicles from the James Bond’s movies, this is probably the most spectacular due to its beauty and moreover, because of its tricks. According to chezbois.com, it is probably the best-selling car by Corgi, with almost 4 millions units (3.974.000) sold. It was very difficult to find during the Christmas in 1965, due to the high popular demand.
I don’t want to spoil the movie, just in the very strange case that you haven’t seen Goldfinger yet, but let’s go directly to the the car… it is approximately 10 cms long, and it’s made of painted gold metal. The base or chassis is also made of metal but the interior is made of plastic. A very important piece of this toy is the small figure included in the box. Without it, the toy misses its whole value, and as you can imagine from its size, it is often missing.
Let’s go to the box. The box is made of carton and has a very reduced size, enough for the car and the instructions. The illustrations show the car with several appealing messages like “Special Agent 007”, “From the James Bond Film Goldfinger” or “Packed with Action”. At one of it sides, there’s a list with all the features of this car, at the other sides, nothing remarkable, but the brand, “made in Great Britain” and the Corgi logo. Inside of the box, there is a stand for the car in which the features are listed again, and two different artwork of the car (with the eyectable seat) are displayed, one at the front, the other at the back. A message in 8 languages reminds the owner of the toy to read the secret instructions, which in this particular car are missing. The last remarkable thing of the package, and its content, is that a sticker was also included. This sticker can be seen at the front of the inlay. It displays the typical 007 logo with the gun. It was intended to be applied at the collar of a shirt to play spies.
In the next two pictures we can observe the front and rear parts of the car.
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The people who usually visit this blog may have noticed that in the description, I talk about traditional and board games... until now there is not a single review that fits this category, but it is only because where I live I do not have any of these items and I cannot take pictures. This is the first vintage boardgame that I’m reviewing, but much more are coming.
The Magic Robot was developed by the british company J & L Randall Ltd. (also Merit) In the year 1950. This company marketed the toy during many years, and licensed it to other companies outside the United Kingdom.
In Austria “Der Magische Roboter” was licensed to Piatnik, the well-known card and boardgame manufacturer; in Spain it was licensed to Cefa, that changed the name to “El Mago Electrónico” (the electric magician); Jumbo released it in Holland, Belgium and France as “Robot”. This game was specially successful in East Germany, were it was released by Schmidt (that also made the release for West Germany) and Gordon. Many different versions of the game were available, as we can see here.
Spanish Cefa releases
The game was sold during many consecutive year (more than 20), and the boxes and papers were updated in most countries each time according to the taste of the time. As an example, you can compare two Spanish releases by Cefa toys. The left one seems to be older (around 1959, while the right one is more recent (maybe 1965?). The robot remained however unchanged, except in the alternate versions, like the sport quiz.
How does it work? In this game there are two rings. In the first one are the questions and the second one are the answers. With the small robot you can choose a question by turning the robot until it points to the desired question. Then you place the robot in the answer’s ring (the surface in which you place the robot is a mirror), and it automatically turns and points to the right question. It is obviously a trick. By turning the robot in the first ring, you are moving and positioning magnets behind the mirror that later position the robot to point the right answer. The effect is absolutely great, and still amazes children and even grown ups.
There are several pages (8 double-sided in the Piatnik version) with question and answers in several school subjects, like history, geography, science, literature…
As it was massively sold during decades, they’re not very difficult to find in one or another version.
The fourth edition of the magazine "Figuras en Acción" is now out! We recommend to all those who can read spanish to download this free magazine here: http://figurasenaccion.blogspot.com/
In this edition, you’ll find interesting articles about Scalextric, Dungeons and Dragons, Hook, Sideshow Collectibles' G.I.Joes and some more. Some articles deal with Spanish toys and brands, like Playbig, which are very rare and unknown outside Spain.
The interviewed in this number is Roberto Helguera (a.k.a. Master Robert), who is the director of the magazine "Action Fan". Don't miss it!
The previous three numbers are also available in the same url.
Hope you like them!
The C.O.T.A. men have been appointed by the ministry of defence experts to repel the attack of the Zarkons. These men have been trained in the basetron 2050, somewhere in an arctic region. There, they have learnt the most important combat disciplines, the latest technologies and, most important, the magnetron force (antigravitational power and power to unmask the invaders when they are using their “human” faces).Magnetron Power!
Darman (Mechanic and test pilot): Darman has probably the best cast of the four C.O.T.A. men, specially appealing is his bubble helmet and the way it fits his suit. The figure also includes a rifle and a backpack. His artwork is also the best of all four figures, since it depicts the interior of some spaceship. Through the windshield we can see some vehicle that looks like a crossing between Tarantula and Scorpion. Probably this artwork was drawn before the vehicles were actually designed, and they took a prototype as a model. Darman is the Test pilot of the NAVESCAM factory, which has engineered and built the vehicles to fight the Zarkons.
Bran (Bio-time scientific): I always thought he was the commander of the group, because of the emblem in his jacket. This figure has the most simplistic cast of all C.O.T.A. men, and Exin was probably aware of it, because they gave him the most impressive weapon: a flying backpack with two guns at the handles, that is, some kind of mini-vehicle. He is an astronomer and a scientist.
Karsan (Psico-physical instructor): Karsan has somehow the same problem than Bran. It doesn’t look like a hero, not even like a man of action. That’s probably why Exin packed this figure with a spring-loaded missile launcher, to make the figure more attractive. This part was recoloured and reused for (or maybe from) many vehicles (Batrus, Falcon, Sentinel). A helmet and a backpack complete his accessories. Psico-physics seem to be a new science which consists in the physical control of the mind. I guess it had made more sense the opposite way (psychic control of the body), but well, it’s just a toy, it’s not real.
Update: Pictures of loose figures:FACTS AND FIGURES: