Wednesday, November 14, 2012


This M.A.S.K. entry is dedicated to the Condor, one of the vehicles released in the first wave, and also one of the most famous, it appears in every comic book and in almost every cartoon chapter.

As you can see, the Condor is a green motorbike, whose “stealth mode” is a helicopter. It is a relatively simple and small toy, but nevertheless very nice to play with and with a great transformation (anything that flies is a great for me).

Together with Scott Trakker + T-Bob and the Thunderhawk, is probably one of the best selling toys in this line.

The Condor also belongs to the M.A.S.K. team and its pilot is Brad Turner, with the mask named “Hocus Pocus”, which “pretends to project false images”. About Brad Turner, we don’t know much, is supposed to be a rock musician and a climber. Other characters had a richer background than him, and were released as a toy more often. There were two versions of this figure made: this is the first one, while the second one was released with the Razorback (1987).

The blades of the helicopter are, in my opinion, a bit fragile, and in played toys, they might not keep in horizontal position. The Condor came without any bombs or detachable accessories, but the part behind the landing skies seems to be very fragile. If you zoom in the pictures, you might notice that mine is broken.

  • Name: CONDOR with BRAD TURNER/ HOCUS POCUS (Ref. 37340)
  • Toy Line: M.A.S.K. (Wave 1)
  • Year: 1985
  • Company: Kenner (U.S.A.)
  • Size of the vehicle: 5’’ or 13 cm
  • Size of the figures: 2½’’ or 6,5 cm


  1. La verdad es que me tengo que quitar el sombrero ante esta pieza tan fantástica!!!!!
    No conozco apenas nada de MASK y no recuerdo nada de la serie animada; pero por lo poco que he visto, de esta cole se llevan la palma los vehículos, y en concreto este, con un diseño, a mi entender, realmente flipante!!!!
    Gracias por enseñarlo!!!!!!

  2. Gracias por el comentario! Pásate a ver los otros vehículos M.A.S.K. que he puesto en la etiqueta, es una línea que merece mucho la pena, y que no llegaron a venderse en España. Esto lo tengo todo de mercadillos de Austria y de intercambios. También tengo dos o tres cositas más por poner cuando tenga tiempo.
    Ahora mismo salgo para el centro, a ver si aparecen esos comics...
    ¡nos vemos!
