Sunday, December 14, 2014


The Cosmic Cowboys is a relatively unknown toyline made and distributed by Spearhead Industries Inc. by Acamas Toys Ltd. There is almost no information about those companies on the internet, and I cannot add anything, since they are also completely unknown to me.

The manufacturer seems to be Acamas Toys Ltd., settled in Dunham House, Westgate, Southwell, Nottinghamshire NG25 0JH, although the toys were manufactured in Hong Kong.

The Distributor seems to be Spearhead Industries, Inc., settled in 9971 Valley View Road, Minneapolis, MN55344.

What we know about them is that they manufactured and marketed other action figure lines with a bigger success. The X-Changers were the most popular, but there were other, like the X-Troopers, X-Terminators, X-Force or the Battlehawks. All these figures were roughly the size of a Master of the Universe, only slightly taller, since their legs were straight and not bent. They had a muscled torso, and their legs were also attached to the waist with a gum strap, just like the Mattel figures.

Their head are similar to MOTU’s soft heads. The distinctive feature is that feet (or better said boots) and forearms are removable, and can be changed from those of other figures of the same line, or other X-Changers toylines. This snap on/snap off provides further articulation points to the figure.

In this entry I will talk about the Cosmic Cowboys. They are a nice short toyline of only 6 figures, from which I own these three Mint on Card and the figure of Buck Meteor loose.  The cards are slightly bent and the bubble is not perfect anymore, because it is made of relatively thin plastic.

The complete list of figures is...

For the good guys:
  • Star Marshall Colt Laezor
  • Sgt. Alpha Cody
  • Buck Meteor
  • Chief Iron Lance
For the evil guys:
  • Iron Jaw
  • Jake Sidewinder

I bought these three from a friend, and the figure of Buck Meteor (I will show it some other time) was bought in the late 1980s at a street market. At the time I didn’t know exactly what was it, but I chose it because it looked like a MOTU. I need to repair it first, since the gum that attaches its legs to the body is broken. The importer to Spain was HISINSA that was also specialized in plastic kits of cars, planes and so on.

The figures came each with a plastic accessory to its chest, a belt and two accessories either guns or rifles. The guns are common to several figures, but the belt and armor are unique designs, so the line is one step further than most knock-offs in quality.

Another quality mark is the short, but interesting background story of the Cosmic Cowboys that can be read in the next picture.

Further about these figures is that they are today relatively rare, and very difficult to find in good shape and complete. The plastic of the accessories becomes quite sticky and it’s better to keep it far from the figure. The gum of the legs is also a weak point, and cannot be repaired so easily as we repair the Masters of the Universe. Additionally, the removable parts are often missing, or have been changed with those of another figure, and you only have two “half” figures…

In any case, Cosmic Cowboys is one of the coolest MOTU knock-offs ever (If you consider them a knock-off… because they are qualitative toys).

  • Year: 1986
  • Company: Acama Toys Ltd. (Great Britain / Hong Kong), Spearhead Industries Inc. (U.S.A.)
  • Size of the figures: 5½’’ or 12 cm


  1. Bastante inspirados en los Bravestarr ...

    1. Se me había pasado este comentario, sí, efectivamente es bastante bravestarr, y, aunque más pobre, tienen muy buen concepto y muy buenos los acabados y, por ponerle un pero, solo son 6 figuras. En general, todas las lineas de x-changers me gustan mucho, no sé quién las diseñaba, pero tenían buen gusto copiando de aquí y de allá o reinterpretando otros juguetes.

    2. en realidad son anteriores a bravestarr

    3. Hola Gorgora, ¡gracias por el comentario! Eres el primero que comenta algo en este sentido. ¿por qué lo dices? ¿por los copyrights de 1986?

      Me cuesta creer que eso sea verdad cuando la línea es igual, y el protagonista se llama Star Marshall Laezor. El copyright de ambas figuras es de 1986, pero la línea de Mattel tiene un desarrollo de 1-2 años mínimo hasta la puesta en venta de los juguetes (los muñecos salieron en las Navidades de 1986*, y la serie de Filmation, en septiembre de 1987), mientras que esta otra línea se puede tener lista en unos pocos meses. Alguien vio o intuyó los planes de Mattel y se adelantó para tener algo listo al mismo tiempo.

      *(Ver, por ejemplo:

      No me he parado a mirarlo, pero seguramente las otras figuras de acción del tipo X-Changers son anteriores, y para Cosmic Cowboys sólo tuvieron que añadir alguna cabeza, algún accesorio y poco más para tener algo que ofrecer cuando Bravestarr estuviera en lo más alto de su fama o de su promoción.

