Tuesday, July 25, 2017


This series started in 1991, and uses the same models and the same casts than the Deuxe series, only the cars are made in transparent colour.

It is difficult for me to think why did Galoob bring this series out... maybe they just wanted to keep the Deluxe series living, but the casts for them were too expensive to produce new model. What seems clear to me, is that more "repaints" of the existing cars, plus mixing them up to create new collections wouldn´t work, after 3 years of doing this already. The X-rays ist just another turn of the screw, with which Galoob can present old models (and reuse old casts) in a completely different way. Note that the feature is not anymore that the micro car has practicable parts, but that you can see the interior of the car.

Of course, the only Micro Machines with interiors are the Deluxe models, so, by making them in transparent you would be able to see the seats, the motor and other parts which, of course, are painted to make them "visible".

The cars in the pictures are:
  • Chevrolet Camaro Z-28
  • Chevrolet Corvette '87
  • Packard
  • Ferrari Mondial
That year of 1991, all Deluxe Collections were discontinued, except the later "Space collection" (which included a moon rover, the Apollo capsule and a lunar module, just like the Deluxe collection XIII) and the "European Exotics" (which included a Lamborghini Countach, a Ferrari Testarossa and a Mercedes Gullwing, but in new, previously unreleased colours).

The X-Rays debuted with 4 collections (numbered #1 to #4), each of them with 4 cars each with no repetitions (all of them previously released as Deluxe models), so 16 different cars. The deluxe series had more different models (30 including the 3 belonging to the space collection, a.k.a. deluxe collection XIII), but only 16 were chosen for the X-Rays.

The following year (1992) the series was still available with the same 4 collections, only each of these included a "bonus" vehicle belonging to another series.

X-Rays are very fragile, and it is very common to find them with broken parts (for example missing doors). If you are looking for them pay attention to the details, to make sure they are complete.

  • Name: Micromachines X-Rays Collection 4
  • Scale of the cars: 1:150 aprox.
  • Year: 1991
  • Company: Galoob (U.S.A.)
  • Size: approx. 2 cm


  1. Me gustan mucho estos coches. No es que sean de los más bonitos, pero sí que son curiosos.

    Entre los Micro Machines que tengo en mi colección se encuentran éstos. Recuerdo abrir y cerrar sus puertas con frecuencia y observarlos detenidamente porque me llamaban mucho la atención.

    Un saludo.

    1. Vaya, a pesar tener muy poquitos coches MM, tienes unas pequeñas joyas. ¿Y no se te ha roto alguna puertecita o parte móvil? Son muy frágiles, y efectivamente había que manipularlos con todo el cuidado del mundo.

    2. Pues la verdad es que no, no se me rompió nada, tuve mucho cuidado. Pero sí, es cierto que son partes sumamente delicadas y que se pueden partir casi con sólo mirarlas...

  2. Hola, excelente reseña. Muchas gracias.

    1. Gracias! Cuando recibo comentarios suelo releer artículos, y este en concreto está un poco enrevesado, pero si se entiende, me vale. Saludos!
