The last wave of Dino Riders had a subseries
called "Ice Age", that included 4 prehistoric animals, but no
dinosaurs. For me, this was a complete error, since dinosaurs are so much more
attractive! Maybe they thought that dinosaurs were very similar to each other
and they were already reusing existing casts too much.
The four
animals produced for this subseries in the closing wave by Tyco were:
Mammooth with Grom
Ground Sloth with Ulk
Warthog with Zar
-Sabre-Tooth Tiger with Hub
Some people consider this subseries as a
separate collection and until recently the interest for this series was very
low. Now I regret not having bought these boxed a few years ago, when they were
sold at very low prices. Currently they are becoming more and more difficult to
find and the prices are rising accordingly.
Another news to this wave was a new figure
cast, representing a prehistoric human, some are marked as Neanderthals, oder as
Cro-magnons, but the cast is always the same.
These characters have rough-sounding,
one-syllabed names and all play for the Valorians, not the Rulons. That is,
they are nice guys. The figures have the same articulations than any other
figure, but with some simian feature, like shorter legs, that have to have
slightly bent knies to stand, and different colours ranging from light brown, to
dark brown, to grey, to almost black. The characters carry also different
paintings in their chests and different designs in their loincloths.
The four Ice Age animals included one figure
each, equipped with grey weapons as the dinosaur´s figures from wave one, and
four more figures from 2-packs. These came together with some Rulon figure, and
the card also had some Ice Age decoration behind. Interestingly, this series
2-packs Rulons (also the two Valorians) were done in quite cold colours, like
different blue shades, white, purple.. also giving the impression of an Ice
Age, compared to the bright colours of the second series´ figures and the
golden/silver of the first series´ figures.
As usual, the boxes in this series came in
several sizes, the mammooth is big and has walking feature, the Warthog and the
giant ground sloth are kind of medium, and the Sabre-tooth tiger is small.
Maybe they thought this could be a bit short, so they also made three
dinosaurs: the big Pachyrhinosaurus (also with walking action feature) and the
small Quetzalcoatlus and Chasmosaurus. These three were probably decided after
the Ice Age animals, since they are repaints of older models with slightly
different heads or no changes at all and they do not match the concept of the line
originally (although the line was already mixing dinosaurs from different
geological eras).

In general, we could say that the dinosaur and
animal armours for this wave are also quite simple compared to armours in
previous waves. most of them come with a big piece that serves as a base from
everyhting else, including the figure/seat. Two new types of pieces are those
made of transparent plastic (like some kind of windshield or igloo) and
flexible plastic tubes.
The Giant Ground Sloth (a.k.a. Megatherium) is
maybe one of the references in series 3 with the most elaborated armour. Or
maybe not the armour, because it matches the description above, but for two
extra pieces that attach to the armour and that build an igloo with three
cannons when assembled (leaving the animal unarmed!). It is the only dinosaur
that comes with some detachable stratucture that can be played independently in
the whole toyline (the Rulon traps cannot be attached to the dinosaurs) together with the Dimetrodon, that had something similar.
The animal
itself is quite cool, it can stand on two or four feet and move its head up on
down to look good either ways.
toy! Looking forward to get or complete the other three Ice Age plus all
individual figures.
To finish the article, here are the German instructions for this toy.
- Toy Line: Dino-Riders (Wave 3)
- Year: 1990
- Company: Tyco (U.S.A.)
- Scale of the beast: 1:24
- Size of the figures: 2½’’ or 6,5 cm