Sunday, May 21, 2023

#1022 NOREV – RENAULT VAN (Around 1995)

This time I want to show only one die-cast van marked Norev, which is, to my knowledge, very rare. I haven´t seen any Norev like this before. The quality is not very good, the base is plastic and the paintwork is also not the best possible. It is also a "Made in China" model. The wheel design is, to my knowledge, unknown to this brand.

Other Norev from these years are much better casted, have metallic base, practicable parts, detailed interiors and other nice features. This van could be part of a bigger set/playset and maybe they required a cheaper model. It is known to me, that it is based on a Corgi Juniors cast, but for some reason, it was labelled Norev afterwards.

That is why I think it has some interest to be shown here. Do you have any of these Norevs in your collection? Do you know where does it come from? Any information is welcome.


  • Scale: Approx 1:64
  • Year: 1995
  • Company: Norev (France)
  • Size: 7 cms


  1. Estos coches tienen su interés no lo voy a negar, pero últimamente Made in China fabrican con muy poca calidad, no se como será este Renault pero he visto otras de pena con mucho plástico. A veces fabricantes como Norev deben mirar la calidad del producto chino. Gracias por compartirlo, saludos.

    1. Si, entiendo lo que dices, y estoy de acuerdo. Este modelo es muy malo, sólo por el color ya se ve que es algo barato y realizado rápidamente, de ahí mi sorpresa al ver que era un Norev. No me explico cómo ha llegado hasta la marca, y de ahí mi interés por saber de dónde sale. Me interesan las piezas curiosas, y está, aunque mala y fea, es, creo, una rareza. No creo que se hicieran muchas, mi sospecha es que a lo mejor iba incluida en algún pack o escenario de juego (un parking o algo así) donde no se veía mucho. ¡Gracias por el comentario!

    2. Hi Juan, I don't know about this model, but those wheels are usually found on 'Faie' or 'Lucky Ind' toy brands. ATB Steve (Motorcade)

    3. Hi Steve, thanks for the he comment! Yes, the type of wheels is one of the classic ones for these brands, but many brands used it over the years. Also Guisval put them in some models from the mid 90s (I'll attach some pictures to my next email). I am not sure if Norev and Corgi were at some point part of the same enterprise or group, that could explain the cast sharing for this specific model.

  2. Hi, it seems to me that the mould could be the same than the Corgi model, or maybe a copy, because the quality seems worse than the Corgi one...

    1. I'd like to find a corgi model to compare them both. I would say they are exactly the same cast. If this one was a copy, we could see some differences. Thanks for the comment!
