Friday, August 31, 2012


This is the second MOTU accessory I show, so most about these is already said in the entry#94. This time I can expand the previous article with some pictures of the Megalaser, including pictures of this accessory MOC (Mint On Card).

The first three accessories we mentioned (Jet Sled, Stilt Stalkers and Megalaser) were sold carded, just like the figures, in packages of the same size and colours (these that were released in the 6th wave were sold boxed). The bubble was obviously different, and adapted to each item. This is the only collectable I own “carded” from the Masters of the Universe line and I have it also loose from my childhood days. My father bought it for me some time by the end of the 80s.

The Megalaser comes in four parts: a two pieces red armour, a black belt that also  attaches to the armour and the gun, that fits in a peg of the armor, over the right shoulder. The next few pictures should show that clearly.

Since I won’t be able to show any carded figure, maybe it is interesting to pay attention to the front of the package. It has the MOTU logo in blue over a red background of exploding stones. The new figures/accs. in each wave carried the word “new!” at the upper left corner. This package seem to be the American version, and is therefore written in English. It is very important to pay attention to the subtitle of each figure or accessory, that you know what you were buying and which affiliation does it have. This was specially helpful for parents, since the names are more difficult to remember than the descriptions. Parents are more likely to remember that they once bough the “Human Periscope” as “Mekaneck”, mostly when Mekaneck is mixed up with other figures with similar names and similar colours and looks.

Front of Megalaser's card
The Megalaser is a “Heroic wind up beam blaster”, for a child this name sounds great, although it really describes its mechanism. The Megalaser works winding up the small blue wheel at the top of the gun, what makes the other blue parts (two cannons plus two edges) move.

Back of Megalaser's card

Megalaser's illustration (cardback, detail)

Megalaser's instructions (cardback, detail)

Megalaser's catalogue (cardback, detail)

At the backcard, there’s a great illustration, which is unique to each reference, short instructions about the features of the figure/accessory, and a short catalogue of other references available at the same time.

The dioramas show Clamp Champ (our “official” accessory tester) with Roboto in a jungle expedition. Both figures and the Megalaser make a team with great firepower.

  • Name: MEGALASER (Ref. 2083)
  • Toy Line: Masters of the Universe (Wave 5)
  • Year: 1986
  • Company: Mattel (U.S.A.)
  • Size of the figures: approx. 16 cm


  1. Roboto will still be the best MOTU produced anytime for me !

    1. Also one of my favorites, because I had it when I was a kid. I am preparing an entry dedicated ONLY to Roboto + another figure in the same wave.

  2. El megalaser!!!!!!
    jajaja... Ya de pequeño me fastidiaba en cierto modo eso de tener que "desnudar" una figura para acoplarle este fantástico complemento; y además tenía que estar en manos de un guerrero heróico de cuerpo heroico (digamos un He-man, nunca un Stratos, que tiene los brazos más largos)

    Aún así merecía la pena: le dabas cuerda y a disparar!!!!!! (Por los dioses antuiguos y nuevos que gracias al megalaser los buenos ganaron muchas batallas en la alfombra azul de mi niñez...)


  3. Yo también lo tuve de pequeño (creo que lo digo en la entrada) y también los zancos, y me gustaban bastante. Con el megalaser, yo tenía el mismo problema :)

    Lo que no recuerdo bien es el precio que tenía este accesorio pequeñito en comparación con una figura... digo yo que sería más baratito, ¿no?

  4. Pues creo que por Eternia tenemos ese dato, en alguno de los posts de master Catra, si no recuerdo mal; seguro que Pablo lo sabe, eso si.

    Y hoy día sigo teniendo ese mismo reconcome con este accesorio; casi peor, puesto que me cuesta mucho quitarle algun complemento "oficial" a cualquier figura...

