Monday, July 25, 2016


This is the second catalogue for Kinder Surprise Toys I buy. I already presented one in entry #181, but since I have a few friends interested in these small toys, I bought a second one and I will buy more, when I find them for 1 or 2 Euros at a flea market. I don't care if its 10 or more years old.

In this case it is a compact edition, small, with thin paper (almost 1300 pages) and listings of more than 15.500 toys. These are sorted by type (Figures, Puzzles, Cars...) and then within in each categorie, by year. Unfortunately, this book does only include Ferrero's Kinder Surprise toys, while the previous guide I owned also included other brands like Nestlé, Bo Frost and more.

Something new about this guide is that it includes a chapter on fake toys. As you know some of these toys are very expensive, so after so many years of collecting, fake pieces have appeared here and there, but in this guide you will find some guidelines to prove the authenticity of the toys yourself. Another good point is that the guide is edited in German, English, French and Italian, so more people have access to the text which is written on it. A last thing I'd like to point out, is that comparing this guide to the other one from the year 2000, I have noticed severe price fluctuations. I don't know what can be the cause of this, but prices may vary from 50% less to 100% more.


  1. Hello! I'm looking for a kinder egg catalogue book I had when I was little. I believe it was a hardback book and had a lot of old, beautiful, magical looking kinder egg toys in it. It could have been german and had katalog in the title. I can't find it anywhere!

    1. Hello and thanks for the comments. In which year was it? Catalogues in German are published every year, and not only from one publisher, but several, so at least if you had the year, it would be easier to find it. If this was a long time ago it may be almost impossible to recover, as old catalogues are usually thrown away when a new one is available. Regards, Juan
