Monday, June 1, 2020


Figuras En Acción Nr.22 (May 2020)

New issue uploaded and ready, this issue is a bit shorter than usual (almost 80 pages) because many of our collaborators (including myself) have been very busy during the last months, and not only because of the pandemics.

Still, we keep our promise and we managed to collect a bunch of great articles dealing with:
  • G.I. Joe and Transformers crossover figures.
  • Superman the Movie Madelman vs. Super Geyperman
  • Computer Force / Computer Warriors by Mattel
  • Rubber ducks
  • Travelling toys
  • All the usual sections (books, travels, treasures, news, editoral office…)
  • Plus a new section of vintage advertisements/publicity.
Don’t miss it! As usual, it is completely free, no registration required.

Modelleisenbahner (3/2014)

I found this old magazine (2014) of Modelleisenbahner in a bookcase close to the place where I work, where people leave old books and stuff they do not want or need anymore. I took it out of curiosity, and read it. I was fascinated by the quantity of releases and news about electric trains, tutorials, research about real trains and railways… it was beautifully done.

I know close to nothing about trains, but since I work on my own toy magazine (see above), I though I might find some ideas for this or that section. I am happy I took it, because the magazine was extraordinary. I do not know how is this hobby evolving, but in recent visits to flea markets, I have seen many great collections being sold. I am afraid this hobby is going downwards. Shame!

Puppen aus Porzellan

In that same bookcase, I found this book dealing with another hobby, which is completely unknown to me: porcelain dolls, and how to make them yourself.

It sounds like something people did a long time ago, but not anymore, I still though it was interesting and took it home and read it. It is short and easy and taught me about this pastime. Amazing that people spent so much time making the porcelain an painting the details, putting eyes, hair and eyelashes. The book is a guide on how to work, which tools to use and more, and it should have been an amazingly difficult task to create your own porcelain doll. It includes a list of collections and museums where porcelain dolls are displayed. The book was published in 1987, so many of these do not exist anymore.


  1. > I am afraid this hobby is going downwards. Shame!

    Depends on how you define "downhill". All hobbies have their ups and down. Popularity and not. As you later note with the porcelain dolls, many hobbies existed to fill recreational time. But, today, with the myriad distractions of the Internet, and the ephemeral social media sites, people have been distracted that way recently. Eventually, people find pleasure in hobbies when they realise that so many of these distractions are unfulfilling, and hobbies provide a more substantial base. Then the internet is useful to connect these people via blogs, websites and email.

  2. Hi Dixon, I agree with you on everything you wrote. Thanks for sharing these thoughts! There are fewer things more beautiful than a good model railway.
